Is root canal treatment painful?
Root canal treatment doesn't cause pain, it relieves it.
The perception of root canals being painful began many decades ago but with the latest technologies and local anaesthetics, root canal treatment today is no more uncomfortable than having a filling placed. In fact, a recent survey showed that patients who have experienced root canal treatment are six times more likely to describe it as "painless" than patients who have not had root canal treatment.
Most patients see their dentist or endodontist when they have a severe toothache. The toothache can be caused by damaged tissues in the tooth. Root canal treatment removes this damaged tissue from the tooth, thereby relieving the pain you feel.
We will take every measure to ensure that your procedure is not uncomfortable or painful. If treatment is needed, we place surface anaesthetic on the gum tissue, then carefully inject local anaesthesic to gently numb a concentrated area of your mouth. For most patients, the feeling of numbness usually subsides after 2-3 hours.
Can root canal treatment cause illness?
Root canal treatment is a safe and effective procedure.
Over the past several years, however, a very small number of dentists and physicians have been claiming that teeth that have received root canal (endodontic) treatment contribute to the occurrence of illness and disease in the body. This claim is based on outdated research performed from 1910-1930, stating that bacteria trapped in the teeth during root canal treatment can cause almost any type of disease!
However, the presence of bacteria in teeth and the mouth has been an accepted fact for many years. But presence of bacteria does not constitute "infection" and is not necessarily a threat to a person's health. Bacteria are present in the mouth and teeth at all times, even in teeth that have never had a cavity or other trauma.
More recent attempts to copy the research since the 1930s (and to check its accuracy) have been unsuccessful. Researchers now believe that the earlier findings may have been caused by poor sanitation and imprecise research techniques that were common in the early 1900s.They confirmed that individuals with root treated teeth experienced no more illness or disease than those without any such treated teeth. These more recent studies support the truth we report today - that teeth that receive proper endodontic treatment do not cause illness.
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